Our boxing classes

Portada » Our boxing classes

Our boxing classes are mixed, both men and women train in the same space. Nobody has any distinction in the ring, here there are only boxers and boxers who want to surpass themselves and overcome all their limitations.

By training with us you will get:

Good dexterity and technique

Scientific studies have shown that boxing helps to greatly improve the psychomotor skills of the body. With proper training you can better control your body and perform precise movements that are increasingly relaxed and without tension.

Excellent reflexes and mobility

In Hop Hop you will work on the basics of boxing from the beginning to learn to move, pivot, defend, dodge or attack. Little by little you will learn to flow and adapt to combat situations, perfecting your movements in detail.

Better physique and better health

Boxing training is ideal for putting all your physical abilities to the test and burning those calories you don’t need. A boxing class can easily help you burn over 500 calories in one session and improve your physique by shedding fat you don’t need.

visual and body awareness

Over time your sense of awareness will improve, you will be able to have more and more control over your body and analyze the language of your opponents and, above all, you will learn to anticipate any stimulus you perceive inside and outside the ring.

strong muscular endurance

As you train, you will notice an indescribable sensation, a motor force that will allow you to exploit and control your energy until you break your physical and mental limits. We all have that potential but very few will be able to exploit it.

Good atmosphere and camaraderie

Above all, what really matters is that you have a good time, there are not only moments to box and have discipline in the ring, there are also moments to share with your colleagues and have a laugh or share experiences.

Club de boxeo hop hop Esplugues

How are the boxing classes at Hop Hop?

A training 100% focused on strengthening your upper body, abdomen and especially your legs.

Little by little you will improve your strength, you will gain enviable resistance, you will gain more flexibility than ever, you will work on your coordination and you will boost your speed.

Calisthenics exercises, weights, light stretching, bag work, individual shadowing, couple sparring and much more…

Above all, remember that…

Here your level or your experience does not matter, only your desire matters!

eva diez boxeadora

Why training boxing?

Release the stress that is inside you and help you to keep moving forward regardless of the difficulties.

You will learn to defend yourself and respond to any situation, you will leave your insecurities behind and you will hit your weaknesses, fears and mental conditioning with all your strength.

It’s not just about toning your muscles or knowing how to hit good hooks, but about having a good time with good company and good people, who, like you, seek to leave the routine behind and have a pleasant time.

It doesn’t matter if you are a child or an elderly person! Sports boxing is ideal at any age and very useful for developing physically, avoiding muscle atrophy and bad habits of our mind.

Whether you are a man or a woman, the only thing that stands in the way of you is your own ego!



Maintenance + Fitness


